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Discussion (12)¬

  1. Argent Stonecutter says:

    That’s what they all say.

  2. Falon says:

    Best vampire comic in the history of all time.

  3. Really good.
    Kept me up till 1:00 AM laughing.

  4. 'Mo says:


  5. Samuel the Hero of BBQ says:

    No alt text!? D:

  6. Taniahhhh says:

    i’m in love D:

  7. Ethan says:


  8. donbionicle says:

    Wait, that’s it?!

  9. Hex says:

    Bravo, brava! I am quite pleased! c:

  10. Anistuffs says:

    Agreed with Falon more than I’ve agreed with another webcomic reader ever in the history of all time.

  11. Mela says:

    Marvellous! Definitely the best vampire story I have ever read. The way your art style changed in the course of the story is impressive, and the panels in the last chapter are absolutely gorgeous. I’ve discovered this comic it by chance today and got so hung in the story that I finished reading. I am also in the process of writing a webcomic, and I look up to your work. Bravo!
