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Discussion (10)¬

  1. puddingpie says:

    The cravat is the best place to grab.

  2. Hilary says:

    “The cravat is the best place to grab.”

    That, my friends, is the -true- lasting lesson.

  3. EcchiKitty says:

    ‘Best’ might be overstated. But it is very high on the list.

  4. meggbee says:

    cravats certainly are useful for this type of thing…

  5. 'Mo says:

    God, I love ties. Done that several times. Never fails, and it always worth it!

  6. inuyashakoneko says:

    *squeak* ~


    ahh vampire love. lol

  7. clockways says:

    During carnival- the women cut of the ties men are wearing (usually give a kiss) and then where the part of the tie they cut pinned to their outfit for the rest of the day while the man wears the remains. Or maybe that was just in Dusseldorf…

    So yes, ties/cravats are high up there with no pun intended.

  8. Banfio says:

    yup, the ever-required cravat grab… its not my personal favorite lead in for making out, but for them it fits perfectly

  9. Lodemaii says:

    Enough talk, more cravat grabbing.
