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Discussion (13)¬

  1. Ari says:

    OMG LOVE IT! All I keep thinking is Monty Python!

  2. ladymurasai says:

    Hehehe…I having too much fun reading this! Truly one of the funniest comics I read in a while!

  3. 'Mo says:

    It’s nothing to lose your head over, dearest!

  4. And if that doesn’t qualify as the ultimate mood killer, nothing will.

  5. Ashmaru says:

    I sense Monty Python… 😀

  6. Ethan says:

    Mood killer? Why? Now he has more options…

  7. Kschenke says:

    Will she bite your legs off?

  8. Sherkalyn says:

    Clearly a Monthy Python reference :
    “It’s just a mere fleshwound”
    “Come back here ! I’ll bite your legs off !”

  9. Emily says:

    BEST LINE EVER!!!!! and i sense a pinch of monty python within that hilarious line…

  10. Laura says:

    There are no words for the awesomeness!

  11. Laura says:

    And his bulgy eyes!

  12. Joe says:

    sigh, with no superglue in the 17th century she may get to practice celibacy.

  13. Random says:

    *psst* that’s not how you give head
